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Creating Plugins

This guide will show you how to create your own latz search backend hook. These search backend hooks allow you to add additional image search APIs to latz. Once complete, you will be able to use these new search backends with the latz search command.

Check out latz-imgur on GitHub if you would like to skip ahead and browse the final working example.


To follow along, you will need to create an Imgur account and register an application via their web interface. Once complete, save the client_id you receive as we will be using that for this application. Head over to their documentation for more information.

For managing dependencies and to make it easier to publish to PyPI later, we use the tool poetry. Please install and configure this if you do not currently have it on your computer.

Setting up our environment

The first steps necessary are creating a directory for our project and adding a pyproject.toml file. To do so, we run the following commands:

mkdir latz-imgur && cd latz-imgur

poetry init \
  --name=latz-imgur \
  --description="Imgur plugin for latz" \
  --author="Your name <" \
  --python="^3.10" \
  --dependency="latz" \
  --dependency="pydantic" \
  --dependency="httpx" \


The extra dependencies we install are latz, pydantic and httpx. You will see exactly how we use all three of these dependencies below.

Now that we have a directory and a pyproject.toml file, we can use the following commands to initialize our development environment:

# Install project dependencies including "latz"
poetry install

# Start a shell where we have access to all of our project dependencies
poetry shell

Create the plugin

At this point, you can open the folder (latz-imgur in our example) with your favorite IDE or text editor. The first thing we need to do is create a Python module called latz_imgur at the top of the directory structure. Be sure this folder contains an file so that it is recognized as a Python module 😉.

In that new Python module, we create a file called This file will contain all the code necessary for our Imgur plugin. Below, we go through each section of this file. Feel free to incrementally add to this file as your go along or download the full version here: latz_imgur/

Plugin configuration

Each new image API plugin may require a different set of settings. Latz recognizes this and therefore allows you to dynamically add any new settings you wish. For our application, we add the required access_key setting that the Imgur API requires.

We define these extra settings as pydantic models.

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

# Module level constant declaring the name of our plugin
PLUGIN_NAME = "imgur"

class ImgurBackendConfig(BaseModel):
    Imgur requires the usage of an ``access_key`` when using their API.
    We expose these settings here so users of the CLI tool can configure it

    access_key: str = Field(description="Access key for the Imgur API")


Latz uses this ImgurBackendConfig model to dynamically generate its own AppConfig model at runtime. Check out Dynamic model creation in the pydantic docs to learn more.

Search backend hook function

Now that our plugin is able to gather the configuration settings necessary to run (i.e. the "access_key" we get from Imgur), we are ready to write the actual search API code. To make this work, we need to define an async search function that returns a tuple of ImageSearchResult objects. Latz will pass an instance of the httpx.AsyncClient, the application configuration and the search query to this function for us.

Below is an example of what this could look like:


Click on the tool tips in the code to learn more 🤔 📚

import urllib.parse

import httpx

from latz.exceptions import SearchBackendError
from latz.image import ImageSearchResult

#: Base URL for the Imgur API

#: Endpoint used for searching images
SEARCH_ENDPOINT = urllib.parse.urljoin(BASE_URL, "gallery/search")

async def search(client, config, query: str) -> tuple[ImageSearchResult, ...]: # (1)
    Search hook that will be invoked by latz while invoking the "search" command
    client.headers = httpx.Headers({
        "Authorization": f"Client-ID {config.search_backend_settings.imgur.access_key}"
    json_data = await _get(client, SEARCH_ENDPOINT, query)

    return tuple(
        ImageSearchResult(  # (2)
        for record in json_data.get("data", tuple())
        for record_image in record.get("images", tuple())

async def _get(client: httpx.AsyncClient, url: str, query: str) -> dict:
    Wraps `client.get` call in a try, except so that we raise
    an application specific exception instead.

    :raises SearchBackendError: Encountered during problems querying the API
        resp = await client.get(url, params={"query": query})
    except httpx.HTTPError as exc:
        raise SearchBackendError(str(exc), original=exc)

    json_data = resp.json()

    if not isinstance(json_data, dict):
        raise SearchBackendError("Received malformed response from search backend")

    return json_data
  1. The arguments passed to this function give you everything you need to make a search request. The client is a httpx.AsyncClient, the config object is the application configuration and the query string is the search string passed in from the command line.
  2. ImageSearchResult is a special type defined by latz. Using this type helps ensure the result you return will be properly rendered.

Registering everything with latz

We are now at the final step: registering everything we have written with latz. To do this, we need to use the latz.plugins.hookimpl decorator to register our plugins. We do this by decorating a function called search_backend that returns a SearchBackendHook object. The SearchBackendHook object is an object which has three fields:

  • name: name of the plugin that users will use to specify it their configuration
  • search: async function that will be called to search for images
  • config_fields: Pydantic model representing the config fields we want to expose in the application

Here is what this function looks like:

from latz.plugins import hookimpl, SearchBackendHook

def search_backend():
    Registers our Imgur image API backend
    return SearchBackendHook(

Wrapping up

In this guide, we showed how to create a latz search backend hook. The most important steps were:

  1. Creating our configuration fields, so we can allow users of the plugin to define necessary access tokens
  2. Creating the search function which returns a tuple of ImageSearchResult objects.
  3. Tying everything together by creating an search_backend function decorated by latz.plugins.hookimpl. This function's only responsibility is to return an SearchBackendHook object that combines everything we have written in this module so far.

Thanks for following along and happy plugin writing ✌️